Club Constitution
(As From March 2023)
1. The name of the club is Prestatyn Running Club.
2. The headquarters of the seniors are located at;
Ffrith Park, Victoria Road West Prestatyn,
Prestatyn Leisure Centre, Princes Avenue, Prestatyn
Nova Leisure Centre, Prestatyn.
The venue changes through the running year.
3. The aims and objectives of the Club will be:
To encourage the practice, promotion, development, and participation of amateur athletics at all levels and across all disciplines, primarily in Prestatyn and its’ surrounding area.
To offer coaching and competition opportunities for members.
To organise teams to represent the Club in regional championships, the Borders Road Running League, the North Wales Cross Country Leagues and in such other competitions as the Committee shall decide.
The Club shall cater for the following athletics disciplines: Road Running, Cross-Country Running, Fell, Mountain and Trail Running, and Track and Field.
To ensure a duty of care to all members of the Club.
To provide all services in a way that is fair to everyone.
To provide a culture that is friendly, united and inclusive to all abilities within the club.
4. The management of the club is vested in a Committee of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson(s), Club President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Club Captains, Welfare Officers, Juniors’ representative, Social Coordinator (the Officers), Web Administrator, Run Leaders and, in addition, four other members - all to be elected annually - and the Immediate Past Chairperson (ex-officio). The Committee has power to co-opt other members if deemed necessary and to fill any vacancy which may arise.
5. An annual subscription is payable on joining the club and subsequently on the 1st of April in each year. Subscriptions must be paid by May 31st at the latest and no member whose subscription is in arrears is eligible to enter events in the name of the club.
A. The Committee shall have the power to expel any member whose subscription is three months in arrears provided a month’s notice in writing shall have been sent, addressed to the last-known address, informing him/her of the proposed action of the Committee.
B. The name of the person so expelled from a club in the Welsh region shall be sent to the Secretary of Welsh Athletics. Every person so expelled shall be suspended from competing at any meeting held under UK Athletics Laws until the liability causing the expulsion, which shall not exceed one year’s subscription, has been discharged.
7. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held during the month of March each year to receive the officers’ reports and financial statement, to elect the Committee, to set the subscriptions for the coming year and to deal with any other specified matters on the agenda. Members must be given at least two weeks’ notice of the AGM. Any items of business which members may want to place on the agenda must be given in e-mail or in writing to the Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM. Only items included on the agenda may be discussed at the meeting.
8. An Extraordinary General Meeting must be called by the Secretary within 14 days of receipt of a written notice signed by 10 members of the club stating the business to be brought before such a meeting.
9. No alteration or addition may be made to the rules except by an AGM or Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose. Notice of any proposed amendment must be given.
10. The quorum for committee meetings is four members.
11. Any person taking part in club events over a period of one month must become a member of the club and is expected to join Welsh Athletics’ registration scheme.
12. Whenever possible, members are expected to support club activities and to respond positively to captains’ appeals to represent the club in team events.
13. All members will wear the official club colours when representing the Club in competitions in accordance with the Club Running Kit policy.
14. Club members must wear suitable fluorescent/white clothing on dark night runs. Some form of reflective attire or lights are recommended and may be provided.
15. Any member intending to transfer to another club must notify the committee for the request to be reviewed, considered, and approved by the committee or membership secretary before notifying Welsh Athletics.
16. To be eligible to enter the annual draw for the allocation of club places in the London Marathon members must be paid up, must have been members of the club for more than 12 months, must produce their rejection slips and not been allocated a club place the previous year.
17. Any decision to dissolve the Club can only be taken at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting held for that purpose. The decision must be passed by a vote of two thirds of the Membership. Any remaining assets of the Club shall revert to the relevant Athletic Associations to which the Club is affiliated at the time in equal parts.